Newsletter                                                                 March 2020


What does Sir Isaac Newton and your financial institution have in common?

In 1665, following an outbreak of the bubonic plague in England, Cambridge University closed its doors, forcing Newton to return home to Woolsthorpe Manor. While sitting in the garden there one day, he saw an apple fall from a tree, providing him with the inspiration to eventually formulate his law of universal gravitation. Newton later relayed the apple story to William Stukeley, who included it in a book, “Memoir of Sir Isaac Newton’s Life,” published in 1752.

It sounds familiar, doesn't it?
These are definitely trying times for all of us. The outbreak of COVID-19 is forcing all of us to rethink how we live, work, connect, and serve. It's very likely that your financial institution has had to rethink branch coverage, remote work options, sick leave, etc.  



Now is the ideal time to help your employees develop their skills!

Why? Because we are all being forced to become creative. How can we still serve our customers/members? How can we still support each other? How can I still lead my team? How can I continue to learn? These are important questions that we are all having to answer. 


Pinnacle's Remote Learning Solutions can help.

All of the training solutions below can be delivered remotely, using our GoToMeeting software. If you have access to a webcam, the course becomes even more interactive. These sessions can be recorded and provided to you after training is complete.

1. Overdraft Privilege - This is a perfect time to help your employees refresh their knowledge of your institution's overdraft program. We use GoToMeeting, which allows you to see our instructors and interact with them as if we are onsite. The sessions can be live or recorded. Plus, we have a seven-module eLearning course complete with a 25-question quiz. 

2. Service to Sales - Improve your frontline employee's customer/member service skills by attending a remote training session that focuses on those key relationship-building skills, such as building rapport, asking good questions, listening, and recommending the right service for the right customer/member.

3. Coaching - Your leaders can learn the key skills necessary to help employees move from where they are to where they can be...from the sidelines. In this interactive session, leaders will practice their coaching skills with other participants using their webcams, if available. 

4. Communication Skills - Clear communication is vital to your financial institution's employees and customers/members. In this course, learn how to make sure the message you send is the message they receive.

5. Conflict Resolution - Conflict is inevitable. Conflict can be a huge opportunity for growth...if it's handled correctly. In this interactive course, learn some very easy tips to address conflict and move forward.



Resources that can help

Check out some of the resources that can help you and your employees navigate this unique season.

Easing Accountholder Fears

Training a Remote Workforce

Managing a Remote Workforce 

Leading Employees Through Change



Send us an email at or click the button below to learn more. We would love to help.

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